Whole Lemon Cake

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Whole Lemon Cake

1 large lemon, well washed, ends removed and quartered (with rind but remove seeds)
⅓ cup coconut oil or butter, softened
1 ¼ cup sugar
3 eggs
⅓ cup plain Greek yogurt
½ teaspoon vanilla
1 ¾ cup flour (if using GF, add ½ teaspoon xanthan gum if your mix doesn’t include it)
2 ½ teaspoons baking powder
Zest and juice of one lemon
Powdered sugar (about 1-2 cups, depending on the amount of juice you have)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line a 9” square glass baking dish with waxed paper and spray with cooking spray.

Place lemon in blender and puree until smooth set aside.

In a large bowl, cream the coconut oil and sugar.  Add the eggs, yogurt, and vanilla and mix well.

Add the flour (see note if doing it GF) and baking powder, and mix well.

Add the lemon puree, and mix to incorporate.

Pour into the prepared baking dish and bake for 45-50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

Making the icing:  add about half the lemon juice and zest to a bowl.  Add powdered sugar until the consistency is right.  Keep adding juice and sugar until the desired amount of icing is made. 

Makes 12 servings.


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